It’s time for a change. Reshape your body.
This is one the most popular surgeries requested by female patients. It is indicated for those women who feel their breasts are too small compared to their body structure, or those who are not satisfied with their breast size, shape, or lack of symmetry.
This procedure consists of augmenting the size of the breast by using silicone gel breast implants, which are placed behind the mammary gland (sub glandular), or behind the Pectoralis Major muscle (sub muscular), through peri areolar incisions or at a sub-breast furrow level. The result is natural-looking, beautifully contoured breasts with almost imperceptible scars.

Some women can feel that their breasts are too big and heavy for their body structure, causing back pain, bra strap marks on their shoulders, dermatitis, and mycosis (fungal infections) under their breasts, besides emotional issues and difficulties finding the right clothing and underwear.
Breast reduction surgery can correct all this, resulting in smaller and firmer breasts that are beautifully balanced with the rest of the body, thus greatly improving self-esteem.
Also known as mastopexy, this procedure consists of repositioning tissues to provide them back with their shape, firmness, and volume, causing breasts to look more youthful and balanced.
When the amount of breast tissue is insufficient, silicone breast implants will be required.

Liposculpture or liposuction is one of the most common procedures in plastic surgery. It consists of removing localized fat in different parts of the body, such as arms, abdomen, pubic area, back, inner thighs and hips, resulting in a balanced reshaping of your body, making it look thinner. The surgical incisions are very small -less than 1 cm- and they are strategically located to be concealed. In patients where it is indicated, the collected fat can be injected in the glutes to augment and reshape the area.
We can also perform abdominal marking if it is the patient’s wish.

This procedure is recommended for patients who feel their buttocks lack volume or are flaccid even after exercise. Gluteal augmentation can be achieved through two surgical procedures: The first consists of fat transference to the glutes. This fat has been collected from another area of the body during liposculpture. The second is recommended for very thin patients with no fat deposits. These patients will require silicone gel implants in the glutes.
The choice of which technique is best is made considering the patient’s anatomy, desired size and appearance of glutes and the expectations of the procedure.

This procedure is indicated for those with excess skin in the inner thigh area due to collagen decrease, massive weight loss, aging and genetic factors.
The procedure consists of removing excess skin with concealed incisions in the groin area and/or the inner thighs.
When there is fat tissue accumulation, it could be performed along with liposuction.

It is indicated for patients with notorious excess skin in the arms due to several causes: massive weight loss, elasticity decrease, genes, among others.
This procedure can be performed along with liposuction. Depending on the amount of skin, incisions can be made in the armpit region or the inner arm region.